Contact: Valerie Anderson
(650) 574-6105
Student curatorial projects on exhibit at College of San Mateo
San Mateo – College of San Mateo proudly showcases the curatorial projects of three Peninsula Museum of Art interns/former CSM students: Eryn Espiritu, Diana McNutt and Justine Wuebold; on the fourth floor of CSM’s College Center (Building 10). All three students participated in the new internship program for a year at the museum for CSM independent study course credit. They learned and practiced all aspects of running a museum. These tasks ranged from working as docents, documenting and installing exhibitions, research, community outreach and curating. All three interns plan to pursue museum studies.
A reception for these two shows will be held on Wednesday, July 16 from 1:30-3:30 pm on the fourth floor of College Center. The public is invited to the reception and view the exhibits. For directions and a map of the college, visit
Eryn Espiritu’s curatorial project involved working closely with CSM President Mike Claire. A large triptych of Crystal Springs by master painter and former CSM professor, Duane Wakeham, now greets visitors to the President’s Office. Diana McNutt and Justine Wuebold curated a show of prints from “The Plant Lore of Shakespeare,” a limited edition folio of lithographs by Rosa M. Towne illustrating the plants mentioned in the works of Shakespeare paired with accompanying text. Dr. Bruce Cameron, emeritus professor of English and film at CSM, donated this rare folio to the college.
The internship program is co-sponsored by College of San Mateo and the Peninsula Museum of Art. For more information about curatorial project or the intern program, contact Ruth Waters, founder and director of the Peninsula Museum of Art, or (650) 692-2133.